Explore the World of Actuarial & Management Consulting Services
is a professional actuarial and management consulting firm registered to provide actuarial and risk management advisory, data science, management consulting, research, and education services to its clients including insurance (life, non-life, health, conventional and inclusive, takaful), banking, employee benefits/pensions (2nd pillar and 3rd pillar) and social security institutions (retirement, disability, family benefits, unemployment, health, etc.), financial services regulators, development agencies, supranational institutions, NGOs, etc.
In addition, UNITED ACTUARIES & CONSULTANTS works with clients around the world, providing rigorous evidence, insights, and advisory services to inspire the next generation of public policy and programmes.
UNITED ACTUARIES & CONSULTANTS operates from two strategic markets (Anglophone West Africa and CIMA Region) across a combination of regional and partner offices. Our Ghana office serves as a hub for Anglophone West Africa including Rwanda, DRC, Burundi, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria whilst our Togo office serves as the regional hub for the CIMA Region and French-speaking African countries.
Our unique combination of global best practices delivered through local expertise in multiple locations allows us to provide pragmatic solutions that take account of the local market and the needs of our clients.
is a professional actuarial and management consulting firm registered to provide actuarial and risk management advisory, data science, management consulting, research, and education services to its clients including insurance…
What We Do
We are your trusted full-service actuarial and management consulting firm.

Superior Communication
Professionals focused on complex analysis and can often lose sight of the human beings on the other side of the equations. Not UNITED.

At UNITED, we recognize the importance of achieving deliverables on-time, where your internal management and external auditors are working within critical timeliness.

Better Business Decisions
Identifying and managing risk rarely requires one single answer. At UNITED, we partner with you to explore whatever path it takes to find the answers you need.

Leadership & Passion for Excellence
We are always being creative, never contented, always aiming to improve, and builds strong leadership among our people. Reputable companies require the credibility of professionals, with integrity and the experience required to solve problems.
UNITED Actuaries & Consultants’ Actuarial Center of Excellence focuses on Education, Research and Innovation. The Actuarial Center of Excellence (TACE) provides training and education that focuses on technical excellence and business acumen. This Center of Excellene supports the full progression of an actuary’s career – from student to senior actuary.

Professional Exams Tutoring Preps

Mentoring Program

Career Building Skills

On-Job Actuarial Training

We eagerly prepare and welcome the next generation of actuaries.

IAS 19 Employee
Benefits Valuation
We perform actuarial valuation of employee benefits, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, including IAS 19, ASC 715, and IAS 26 for many clients. Our results are presented in an extensive Actuarial Report and are prepared to meet international accounting and actuarial standards for employee benefits. They are also presented in the same format as Financial Statements, making it easy for accountants and auditors to review and adopt.

Is your implementation timeline quick enough? The statutory requirements of IFRS 17 are forcing a massive disruption and ultimately a transformation within the insurance industry. No IFRS compliant insurer will be able to escape the profound changes in their operating model, accounting policies, and subsequent accounting system outputs and flows. This extends to connectivity and alignment with and actuarial systems and outputs-all underpinned by IT systems, data constructs and reporting requirements.

IFRS 9 aims to have institutions align their business as usual (BAU) process to their accounting treatment. IFRS 9 is divided into 3 phases:
- Phase 1 – Classification & Measurement: news methodologies to classify and measure financial instruments.
- Phase 2 – Impairment methodology: a new model to calculate impairment provisioning for financial assets.
- Phase 3 – Hedge Accounting: new accounting practices to be adopted for hedging

The threat that inspires. How aligned are you? Insurtechs build their business models by addressing the pain points customers experience in their relationships with incumbent insurers. They especially seek to heighten customer interest and foster interaction. They do this in a number of ways:
- Social Engagement.
- More frequent interactions
- Digitizing “moments of truth”

Do you have any question?
We’ve got the Answers.
with access to local multi-disciplinary experts, which enables us to
offer smart solutions and fully integrated support.

Recent Post

Ghana: NIC urges insurance companies to recapitalize before May 2022
Insurance companies that fail to meet the new minimum capital requirement by May this year may have to sell off their companies or merge with others.

FSD Africa expands insurtech accelerator program to Ghana and Nigeria
Financial inclusion starts from being able to have a safety net in the event of a risk. This is why the insurance space requires out-of-the-box thinkers that will help shape the next century with customer centric products that bring in social transformation and impact.

InnoLab initiative launched to spur innovation in insurance sector
The National Insurance Commission of Ghana and GIZ FSD component have partnered to launch InnoLab, an accelerator programme designed to support and grow the nation’s insurtech start-ups.